Testimonial Video: Case Study with Flow 56
Testimonial Video: Case Study with Flow 56
Dec 6, 2021

Testimonial Video: Case Study with Flow 56

testimonial video content flow 56 case study

case study: producing a persuasive testimonial video for FLOW 56

How can you sell the benefits of your company’s services persuasively and authentically? In this case study, we explore how software company Flow 56 faced this challenge by commissioning Blueprint Film to produce a testimonial film with an existing client of theirs. Scroll down to read about their company, the challenge they faced, the testimonial video production process, and the outcome.

1. The Story of Flow 56 (& THEIR CLIENTS)

Flow 56 is a software design company. They create order management systems for brick and mortar and e-commerce businesses in the UK. As an example, one client of theirs is Fitted Mirrors & Glass.

From their base in South London, FM&G produces bespoke handcrafted glass and mirror projects for customers across the country. Before working with Flow 56, their order management system needed an overhaul. They wanted to better integrate the ordering process with their production team and distribution team. This would allow greater communication with customers, and provide a detailed overview for internal management.

flow56 logo

Flow 56 designed a system that gave FM&G's management the needed information at every stage of the order process, while also allowing them to increase capacity on the production line. As a result, FM&G were able to increase the number of orders through their website.

2. The challenge of SHARING SOCIAL PROOF

Most businesses that approach Blueprint Film do so with a specific goal or problem in mind. Flow 56 was no different. Primarily, Flow 56 wanted a way to convey to their target audience the benefits of the software design services they offer.

Authenticity was a big focus here. It is easy enough to list all your services' benefits. But how can you convince potential clients that they will actually experience these benefits from working with you? To do this effectively, you need to have existing clients/customers themselves saying what your company does well.

To make things easier, Flow56 had an existing client in mind: Fitted Mirrors & Glass. Then they needed to decide the format the testimonial would take. Written testimonials might be the standard. But for businesses that want to stand out and convince people to trust in their services, a filmed testimonial is the way to go.

So Flow 56's brief? They wanted us to create a film exemplifying their service through the use of a filmed testimonial from one of their clients - Fitted Mirrors & Glass.

3. professional video as a solution for Flow 56

Flow 56 got in contact with the Blueprint Film team through their marketing agency. From there, we talked through Flow 56's needs and goals for the project. Ahead of the shoot, we worked with Flow 56 and FM&G to create a storyboard and a list of questions to cover.

Part of our filming process involved spending the day with the team at FM&G. While there, we interviewed Helen from FM&G to get a testimonial for Flow 56. Filming the testimonial at the client's workplace created a comfortable environment for them. During the testimonial, she described her experience with the Flow 56 team and how her business benefitted from it. Namely, Helen explained how Flow 56 had enabled FM&G to expand their monthly order numbers and improve their customer service.

We also used our time there to film B-roll of the manufacturing process at their factory as well as their order management system in use. Throughout this process, our camera team had the wonderful challenge of shooting mirrors without appearing in the reflection. Getting this footage meant that viewers would be able to see the ease and bespoke nature of Flow 56's systems and how they integrate into an existing workflow.

4. results, impact & future plans

This example from Flow 56 shows just how successful testimonial films can be for businesses. Most importantly, it had the power of showing viewers the service in action alongside the personal first-hand testimonials of someone who has benefitted directly from the service.


In the near future, we hope to continue working with Flow56 and their marketing agency, Morton Waters, and create more films for them. We also plan to work with Flow56's client, Fitted Mirrors & Glass, after they expressed they were impressed with the finished testimonial film.

bring authenticity to your marketing with Blueprint Film.

Interested in how our professional video production services can specifically benefit your business? Let's chat. CONTACT US

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