Lockdown Lessons: First-Time Video Clients
Lockdown Lessons: First-Time Video Clients
Feb 22, 2021

Lockdown Lessons: First-Time Video Clients

First-time video clients


We are incredibly grateful that we have been able to continue to offer our full range of video production services during the lockdown. From this gratitude, we began a new article series dedicated to the lessons we have learnt from our clients during lockdown (the first instalment is available here). For this article, we’re looking at four first-time video clients who, during the lockdown, decided to give professional video content a try.

Bloomfield Sustainable Solutions



Bloomfield Sustainable Solutions is a small gardening business based in Gravesend, Kent. Their mission is to ‘educate & encourage the nation to become sustainable & environmentally friendly’. In response to the pandemic, Bloomfield sought to stand out more on social media with new content. They were also looking for ways to aid recruitment and build the business to secure bigger jobs and bid for tenders.


Video content appeared as the best medium for this because it communicates professionalism. Taking their goals into account, we developed a content strategy consisting of three types of video: brand, explainer and recruitment. The animated videos we produced helped Bloomfield to improve their online presence. It also strengthened their position within the competitive market.


Bloomfield illustrated how the pandemic is prompting small businesses to further prioritise their social media presence. In turn, this encouraged our team to think more about our own social media strategy.

Monsta Giveaways



Another of our first-time video clients was Monsta Giveaways, an online competitions platform. After launching last year, Monsta approached us seeking attention-grabbing content. For them, a key issue was getting past how some people viewed their sector as untrustworthy.


How did video content help? The video content we produced for Monsta focused on introducing their platform, explaining how it works and why users can trust it. The final videos helped to improve the company image, giving it more credibility and consumer confidence. Another consequence was an instant increase in interest and engagement in their platform.


Our team embraced the challenge of responding to how some people perceived the online competitions sector as untrustworthy. It also allowed us to try out a new animation style that fit the Monsta Giveaways brand.

Total Machining Solutions



Total Machining Solutions (TMS) make bespoke models and prototypes using precision machinery and manufacturing methods. They work for a range of high-end clients in industries from motorsport to film and television. Despite having this vast range of clients, most of the products made by TMS are subject to strict NDAs. These conditions proved problematic for TMS when it came to showcasing their products and their clientele.


Video content let TMS show various aspects of their work, including their process, attention to detail, machinery range and model sizes. It proved essential to giving an insight into their creations without having to present specific final products. Video also helped TMS to tell their backstory and add a human element to the company by focusing on the people who make it happen and care about their work.


How do you market a manufacturing company when you cannot easily show the end products? As with working under lockdown restrictions, the situation presented by TMS pushed us to use our creativity to find a solution.

Starpoint Solutions



Starpoint Solutions makes outdoor ‘pods’ for work and leisure. To promote this relatively new product, they needed to show potential customers its value and possibilities. Simultaneously, their product needed to come across as high-end to match its price point.


Video can build trust in an instant through exuding professionalism and quality. Video is also a way to show a product’s potential, thus opening up the best markets possible. This is what encouraged Starpoint Solutions to seek out our video services and work with us on creating ads.


Working with Starpoint was an insightful process. For one, it was exciting to film with such a unique product for the lifestyle market. Filming people in a bubble from a safe distance also felt like a very suitable last shoot of 2020. You can read more about our work with Starpoint Solutions in this article.

Did you learn anything from the journeys of our first-time video clients? How has your content strategy changed due to the pandemic? Let us know in the comments section below or by interacting with us on social media!

If you are interested in how video content can boost your business/organisation in lockdown and beyond, contact us here!


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