Video Marketing Facts VS Fiction: 6 Myths Debunked
Video Marketing Facts VS Fiction: 6 Myths Debunked
Feb 14, 2023

Video Marketing Facts VS Fiction: 6 Myths Debunked

video marketing facts vs fiction: 6 myths debunked

By now, you've probably heard plenty about why video is a powerful tool for businesses and marketers. So what's holding you back from using video marketing?


Although 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, myths, misconceptions and fear of the unknown prevent some businesses from realising the potential of video marketing.


In this blog, we review the top 6 video marketing myths, and consider whether they align with the facts of video marketing.

Myth 1: 'video production is too expensive.'

Let's start off with a big one: 37% of marketers don't make videos because they think it's too expensive. It's a fair concern – especially for small businesses with limited marketing budgets. But is video actually that costly?

video production equipment

Research shows it doesn't have to be. For instance, according to this Vidyard report, 59% of companies spend less than 10% of their marketing budget on video production and promotion. And for 85% of companies, video consumes less than 25% of their budget.

You can also cut video production costs by repurposing and recycling video. Read our guide to repurposing video here, and read our Pricing FAQ to learn more about video production costs.

Myth 2: 'video is irrelevant to my industry.'

Many businesses will hear people talk about the benefits of video marketing – only to tune it out, because they think it won't apply to their company or industry.

It's a shame. Sure, some industries appear as a more natural fit for video marketing than others. But we've yet to come across an industry that cannot make use of some type of video content. (And we'd love to hear from you if you believe you can prove us wrong!)

If anything, industries where video has typically been underused can offer the most exciting opportunities for video marketing. Wouldn't you love to discover the benefits of video before your competitors do?

We've worked with various companies that had never used video marketing before. These companies are often surprised by how much video fit their business.

Here are just some of the industries we've seen benefit from video marketing:

  • Construction
  • Real estate and property
  • Software and technology
  • Healthcare
  • Charities and non-profits
  • Manufacturing
  • Legal services
  • Renewable energy

Myth 3: 'video marketing is too time consuming.'

This is a concern that gets raised time and time again. Marketers' top complaint when it comes to video is that it's too time-consuming to create. And for 66% of marketers yet to use video marketing, it's this belief that holds them back.

Actually, plenty of options exist for companies and marketers that don't want to spend too much time on video. There's a good reason why so many companies use video production services.

At the same, the development of new software and technology continues to make video production a faster and more efficient process.

Another option is repurposing video content. That way, you can spend less time creating video content and spend more time focusing on your business goals.

Myth 4: 'The process behind video marketing is too complicated.'

41% of marketers don’t make videos because they think it’s too complicated. Are you one of them?

We understand. Video production can be intimidating. There are many types, styles and formats to choose from. Plus, depending on the project, you may have to consider aspects such as pre-production, shoot logistics, editing and distribution.

Be comforted by the fact that you don't have to make the most technologically advanced video ever. Often, storytelling is the most important aspect of marketing content.

Also, free video marketing resources are easy to find online – we have a collection of tips and guides on our blog, and many more are available across the web.

If you're particularly worried about your team not having the technical know-how to pull it off – get in touch with a professional video production company. We have years of experience with this stuff, and can help you figure out the type of video that would work best for you.

Myth 5: 'video doesn't have enough uses / isn't versatile enough.'

This is probably the video marketing misconception that confuses us the most. But it's one that we've seen come up a few times – and something you may be thinking!

Perhaps you're only used to seeing a specific type of video content. Promotional ads and explainers are the most common types. But then there's also testimonials, case studies, guides and how-to videos, demos, training and internal communications videos – to name a few!

With these video types, there's also a range of potential purposes. Unlike what many people assume, video is not just for lead generation. Video marketing can also contribute towards objectives such as:

  • Brand awareness
  • Increasing reach
  • SEO and website traffic
  • Entertainment
  • Audience engagement
  • Increasing conversions
  • Education
  • Increasing company efficiency

Myth 6: 'My video has to go viral to mean something.'

We get it. It would certainly be nice for your video content to go viral. But it's not the end all be all of video marketing.

Instead, focus on achievable goals way more relevant to your company than going viral. Contrary to popular belief, view count isn't everything. It's the quality of the views. 

From our experience, the most important goal is to get your video in front of the right people.

Most companies (except for, perhaps, the very largest) work best by targeting a specific audience rather than, well, everyone on the internet. And if you go for paid video ads, you'll get even more opportunities for targeted marketing.

For example, reaching 20 viewers who are actually interested in your product/service will lead to better outcomes than reaching 200 random people.

Stay tuned for more advice and resources on video marketing and content creation. Remember to subscribe to our newsletter to get our best content delivered straight to your inbox! 


Enjoyed this article? 📚 We think you’ll like these:

10 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is So Powerful [5 min read]

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5 Unique Ways To Use Drone Film In Video Marketing [4 min read]

Want professional help with video production and marketing? Chat with us about your needs and goals, and get a free quote.

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