How Starpoint Solutions Builds Trust With Video Content
How Starpoint Solutions Builds Trust With Video Content
Apr 12, 2021

How Starpoint Solutions Builds Trust With Video Content

Header image featuring still from Starpoint Solutions film with text reading "How Starpoint Solutions Builds Trust With Video Content"

How Starpoint Solutions Builds Trust With Video Content

Starpoint Solutions needed a video that builds consumer trust in their brand and sells their product. They commissioned Blueprint Film’s video production services to create a film for their outdoor pods. Starpoint Solutions were "blown away" with the final video content, which invited "full confidence" in their product.Read on to learn about Starpoint Solutions'journey with professional video content.


Starpoint Outdoor Solutionsoffers modern, well-crafted outdoor pods for business and leisure. Based in Kent and formed in 2020, Starpoint Solutions aims to allow people to feel safe and comfortable in the company of other people. Their pods represent a new concept in contemporary outdoor dining and entertaining.As a young company launching a new product to UK markets, Starpoint Solutions needed to build trust in its brand and pods. Simultaneously, their product needed to come across as high-end to match its price point.

Still from Starpoint Solutions film.

Furthermore, they wanted to highlight their product's benefits beyond commercial settings. Most people could understand the use of their outdoor pods for businesses and events. Demonstrating and selling the use of their product in private settings was an issue that required more attention.

2. Video as a solution that builds trust

After considering an array of solutions, Starpoint Solutions opted forproduct video. Product video would not only illustrate the product in use but also make for engaging and shareable content. They considered cheaper content options. But they recognised that high-end video is a powerful way to build trust and convince viewers that their products are high quality.

This led them to Blueprint Film and our video production services, also partly based in Kent. Although they were first-time video clients, the process proved straightforward. To begin with, Starpoint Solutions filled us in on their brand, goals and needs. Then Blueprint Film began to brainstorm ideas to help them get the most out of our video production services.Everyone agreed thatlifestyle filmwas the best approach. Why? Because lifestyle film goes beyond selling the product itself. It's about selling the feelings and the experiences that come with the product, showing viewers the potential benefits.Showing home use was important to Starpoint Solutions. So Blueprint Film hired quality actors to play out different scenarios. This illustrated how the product suited various lifestyles and gave viewers a sense of their spaciousness.“We were blown away with the ideas that Blueprint Film came up with and their professional approach to filming.”

Starpoint Solutions logo

Starpoint SolutionsClient

3. what video accomplished for Starpoint solutions

The final films for Starpoint Solutions showed a family using their pods as a home office, a sitting area, an exercise space and a family dining area. Starpoint Solutions were able to display the films on their website and across their social media profiles. Film also repurposed and produced various marketing materials for Starpoint Solutions from the video content. These included banner videos for theStarpoint Solutions website, high quality still images and short-form content forsocial mediaand advertising campaigns.Reflecting on their work with Blueprint Film, Starpoint Solutions said they are "so pleased with the films that you have produced for us." The films also succeeded in meeting their needs and goals. Starpoint Solutions felt the films gave consumers "full confidence in our products."“We have loved working with Blueprint Film, and are so pleased with the films they have produced for us.”

Starpoint Solutions logo

Starpoint SolutionsClientBlueprint Film is an award-winning film production and social media marketing company. More of our case study blog posts are available here.If you want to learn about how video content can sell your brand and product, follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter andtalk to us!PORTFOLIOCONTACT US

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