Felcana Seedrs Campaign

Promotional Video for Felcana Pet Company Kickstarter Campaign


The Brief

Felcana is a fast-growing technology provider in the pet market.

Their range of tracking devices and software allows owners to monitor their pets’ behaviour to predict possible medical conditions and signpost better healthcare.

As part of their campaign on Seedrs, they wanted to keep investors updated on their product roadmap, market potential and confirmed partners. So they commissioned us to create a product crowdfunding film.

The audience for the Felcana Seedrs film would be supporters ready to invest significant sums of money in the company. So clear information and simple delivery of key stats were of paramount importance.

The Plan

The key deliverable for this content from our view was ensuring that we instilled confidence from the viewer in the company and the people behind it.

To achieve this, we ensured a relaxed approach to the interviews. So we filmed staff interacting with pets and working around their office.

Also, we refined the scripting to be conversational and not overly ‘pitchy.’ Again, this was to imbue a confident and assured nature to the customer.

Finally, infographics were used to allow key information and investment data to be communicated efficiently and explicitly to the potential investors.

"Blueprint Film perfectly encapsulated the lifestyle of our customers... We couldn't have asked for a better way to showcase our range around the world."

Dr James Andrews, Vet & Co-Founder Felcana

The Conclusion

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Fusce ante diam, malesuada sit amet dignissim eget, rutrum ut leo. Nullam in neque gravida, fermentum risus quis, convallis dui. Curabitur feugiat, sem sit amet placerat tincidunt, ex justo ultricies diam, at porttitor lorem nunc quis turpis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce vestibulum ex quis turpis mattis, quis tempor augue faucibus. Proin viverra nec augue ac ultricies. Fusce eget porttitor orci, quis facilisis nibh. Sed consectetur neque et ante auctor consectetur. Mauris non lorem non erat posuere auctor. Aliquam sed massa libero. Mauris eu sapien ligula. Donec non congue risus. Curabitur dictum non metus non venenatis.

Nam eget dignissim est. In pretium elit at egestas imperdiet. Praesent efficitur eros magna, id finibus mi tincidunt quis. Donec sit amet vehicula orci. Nulla pulvinar sit amet justo eget posuere. Aenean id tellus tempus dui elementum tristique id eu odio. Donec a ornare urna, nec consectetur lacus. Vivamus laoreet consectetur maximus.

Nam eget dignissim est. In pretium elit at egestas imperdiet. Praesent efficitur eros magna, id finibus mi tincidunt quis. Donec sit amet vehicula orci. Nulla pulvinar sit amet justo eget posuere. Aenean id tellus tempus dui elementum tristique id eu odio. Donec a ornare urna, nec consectetur lacus. Vivamus laoreet consectetur maximus.

To start your project get in touch with Blueprint Film today!

Aenean id tellus tempus dui elementum tristique id eu odio. Donec a ornare urna, nec consectetur lacus. Vivamus laoreet consectetur maximus.

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