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Social Media Videos
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Social Media Videos

Social media is a massively overcrowded market with so many platforms to choose from, all with different formats. And every platform demands a slightly different approach because they all have slightly different audiences. So once you know where your target audience hangs out, educate and entertain them with videos specially made for them. And work with an expert to get the right size video every time.  

What is a social media video?

So much of social media is now visual. There is still room for non-visual posts, but to stand out and be noticed, you need to be doing something different. And that has to be relevant to your brand and your audience in order to keep them engaged. Matching the right video content to the right channel is vital. Short, engaging reels, posts and slide decks and ads can all work wonders for your engagement.

How can you use social media videos?

Because there is so much content posted, social media videos have more than one life. As long as they’re not too time sensitive, they can be reused, hitting a fresh audience each time. Not only are they engaging, they are fabulous for building brand engagement and recognition in a way straight posts don’t. 

Social media videos are a short, snappy way to communicate with your audience. Stand out for the right reasons with videos that work.

Contact Blueprint Film today to find out how to cut through the social media noise and create your own noise.

We believe in the power of visual storytelling to captivate and influence audiences.

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