Picking the Right Video Type
Picking the Right Video Type

Picking the Right Video Type

picking the right video type

We've spoken a lot about video marketing in general on the blog before. From mobile shooting, to social strategies, It's great to think about how you'll create and distribute video content, but there is another element to consider. What type of video do you want to create? It may sound simple and obvious, but it is often overlooked. Thinking about what you want to get out of video content, and then approaching a campaign or production in mind is absolutely essential t0 pulling off an effective content strategy. Naturally, the choice of video type here is potentially limitless, especially seeing as you can take elements from any genre or type to make whatever you want. Here we want to dive deeper into a few different options when it comes to video type. We'll be looking at which brands they tent to suit, and how you can use each to your advantage. Struggling to work out what type of video you want for your company? Take a read and see if we can help!


These videos are perfect for companies who are trying to sell a service, product, or improve brand awareness, and also have an existing client base.

Testimonials and case studies use interviews and footage of a company's work with a customer. The benefits of these types of video are twofold:

  1. They offer a clear way of explaining and demonstrating what you do as a company.
  2. They create empathy and trust with viewers through real stories and people.

Just like written reviews, these videos can act as first-hand recommendations of a companies services, which can go a long way for engaging potential new customers.

Still image of man speaking in a testimonial video for the National Lottery Community Fund

Testimonials and case studies tend to work best on website landing pages and social media platforms. Seeing people giving recommendations or showing a product/service can be a great way of grabbing attention, and can easily replace text-heavy parts of your website. As for social media, once trimmed and formatted for your chosen platform, they are great way to stand out on users feeds. If you have a clear product or service, and an existing client base who are happy to be filmed, It's definitely worth pivoting to this type of video. They are perhaps the best way to provide a clear, evidence-based idea of the services you provide, to any audience.

If you want to see some great testimonial videos in action, take a look at our recent blog looking at some of our favourite examples from brands. If you think testimonials or case studies might be right for your brand. check out some of our dedicated page to see some of our work and how we can help!


This type of video is perfect if you have a particularly tricky concept or process that you need to get across to viewers. Maybe it's a new product that you'd like to introduce to customers, a training video you need to easily show to staff or a "how to" video for customer FAQs. There are countless times where you might need to explain something to a customer or client, and video can be a perfect tool to keep things efficient. Of course, you could incorporate other styles of video into an explainer video as well.

Still image of man speaking in a testimonial video for the National Lottery Community Fund

In that sense it can be quite a broad term. But in general, explainer videos are a good chance to use engaging graphics and text, to help viewers digest a concept. Combining this with voiceovers means that you can put a lot more focus on post-production rather than production. This makes graphic-based explainers a great option for companies who may not have the budget to pull together various shoot days and actors or interviewees. Similar to testimonials or case studies, explainers are great for websites where you canoffer help to customers. They are also great for social media, where the benefit of getting information across in a quick manner will boost engagement. If you are creating an explainer for a more common issue or concept, then websites like Youtube are also a fantastic place to find an audience.

For a little more detail on what makes an explainer video, and how they can be used to market your business, check out our explainers page. You can also see some of our previous work with clients.


Awareness videos are a term we use to describe any video with the sole purpose of raising awareness. This could be for a particular cause or initiative, or for a company doing work with a broad appeal. These videos are less about selling something to a viewer, and more about informing them. They are perfect for charities, or any company that has a message they want their viewers to reflect on.

Still image of man speaking in a testimonial video for the National Lottery Community Fund

Of course, as with any video, there are overlapping types that may take elements of others for a different use. With awareness videos, you will find elements of testimonials and case studies specifically. It's important to tell a story and show real people within it, in order to broaden the appeal of your video. But you could also incorporate graphical elements similar to explainer videos. Perhaps if you wanted to visualise a concept that is relevant to your cause. Ultimately, this type can really be whatever you want it to be. The important thing is your approach to it. If you want to sell something then clearly awareness videos might not be the way to go. But if you want to tell a longer form story with a clear message, then you may want to consider this type.

We've done a lot of work with charities and other brands over the years that we are really proud of. You can find all of that, as well as a slightly more in depth look at what makes an awareness video, over on our dedicated page.


Promotional product videos tend to be one of the most common forms of video marketing today. If awareness was all about learning, these are all about selling. It's quite simple to visualise a product promo video - chances are you've seen them everywhere. Here the product is at the forefront. So, naturally, these videos are suited for companies with a product to sell. From the aesthetics to its functionality, the goal here is to introduce something new to a customer. As these are often the first time a product may be on show for wider audience, it's all about nailing the first impression. Naturally, there are many different ways you can approach promotional video. You could use a narrative piece to show off your product. You might want to stick to close up work, giving a solely aesthetic look at it. You might want to show it off in use too. Lifestyle shoots are incredibly popular here. Nothing sells a product better than seeing it in use. Lifestyle videos offer a great way of putting viewers into the boots of customers, by injecting life into what could be a stale shoot. Something to bear in mind is that product promotions can lack the same credible and trustworthy appeal of other types of video, such as testimonials. That's not to say you can't create credibility and trust in your approach to product promos, or that you can't incorporate elements of other types to help this. But it is important to know the distinctions here.

So that's all from September folks! Remember to follow us over on Facebook or Twitter to stay up to date with all of our picks for next month! While you're here, why not check out some of our own projects?

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