Sell property with real estate video content
Sell property with real estate video content
Mar 28, 2023

Sell property with real estate video content

Sell property with real estate video content

How to promote property with real estate video

In her 2013 TED Talk, real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran discusses how she grew her business by deciding to record videotapes of her listings and upload them to her website.Her video-forward strategy wasn’t a fluke. In a 2018 survey, half of the real estate professionals surveyed said video is a big part of their marketing strategy. And it's become even more important since the pandemic, with buyers more eager to view properties online than book in-person viewings.Want to boost your listings, attract buyers (and sellers), and stand out from competitors? Read on to discover the particular ways real estate companies can use video content to grow their business.

uses for video in real estate marketing:

1. dynamically showcase your properties

ktb architecture video still of property interior

Images are no longer enough to give people a real impression of your property. That's why property video promos, tours and website listings are so important. They allow your properties to stand out whilst also helping buyers to find the right house. Here are a few video features you can use to showcase your properties:

  • Make use of drone videography to show off the location and make your listing more dynamic.
  • Help buyers visualise themselves living there by filming people enjoying the property.
  • Record a voiceover to talk viewers through the different areas of the property.
  • Add overlay text and graphics to draw out key details, features and specs.

For a concrete example, check out one of the property films we produced for luxury estate agent Harrods Estates: year, we produced a series of videos for Harrods Estates to tour and promote their luxury properties. We shot each one in 4k, using a gimbal to move through their apartments smoothly. This gave a real sense of space while sticking true to Harrods Estates’ high-class brand.Check out our full Harrods Estates case study here.


Before home buyers and sellers can consider doing business with you, they need to be aware of your real estate offerings. These days, that means helping people to find your company online. After all, in 2020, the most popular first step for home buyers (44%) was to search for properties online.Want more people to visit your website? Then add more video content to your website. 86% of marketers say video has increased traffic to their website. How? Consider the fact that many search engines favour video content – to the extent that video can drive a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs.Plus, data shows these visitors will spend 88% more time on your web pages with a video.

3. Encourage more sellers to list with you.

At the same time, you also need to be encouraging people to list their homes with you. Fortunately, video is effective at attracting both buyers and sellers. According to the National Association of Realtors, 73% of sellers are more likely to list their home with an agent/realtor who uses video. Why? Because sellers know video is better than images when it comes to showing off properties.

4. Establish trust & expertise

Buying a house is a major life decision. For your potential clients, picking a real estate agent is a choice not taken lightly. Buyers consider honesty and trustworthiness to be the most important factors when it comes to this. And they view clear knowledge of the buying process to be a 'very important' skill/quality for agents to have.In other words, it's particularly important for companies involved in real estate to establish trust and expertise. Let's take a closer look at these two concepts and how video comes in.

First, video content makes your company appear trustworthy. Indeed, more than half of surveyed marketers said that video helps them build trust with potential customers/clients. The format allows for more of a human connection than plain text or still images.Also remember: the higher the quality, the more confident people will feel about doing business with you. Which would you trust more – a company with professional-looking video content or one with low-quality, poorly lit and shaky videos?Second, real estate agents can prove expertise by providing educational video content. For instance, you can commission an animated explainer to walk potential clients through the process of home buying. Perhaps you already receive a lot of questions from people – you can create an FAQ video to answer these questions once and for all, saving you time.

5. differentiate yourself from competitors

Clearly, there's plenty of research-backed benefits for real estate companies to use video. Yet few have actually caught onto this. For instance, the NAR reported that only 10% of agentscreate listing videos. Perhaps this is because of the myths around video marketing, which remain pervasive in some sectors despite being debunked.Think of video as an opportunity to stand out from your competitors before they catch onto the power of video marketing.Remember to subscribe to our newsletter ✉️ to get our best content delivered straight to your inbox! Enjoyed this article? 📚 Check out these:Video Marketing: How To Pick The Right Video TypeLockdown Lessons: Property Video with Harrods EstatesVideo Marketing Facts VS Fiction: 6 Myths Debunked

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