B2B Video Marketing: 6 Ideas To Get You Started
B2B Video Marketing: 6 Ideas To Get You Started
Sep 7, 2021

B2B Video Marketing: 6 Ideas To Get You Started

b2b video marketing


Over the past few years, video content has evidently become a popular B2B marketing & sales tool for companies across different industries. 

But how exactly can B2B companies benefit from video marketing? What types of video work best for B2B marketing? And how can B2B companies get started with video marketing?

For over a decade, the Blueprint Film team has helped various B2B brands achieve their goals by providing professional video content. We've taken the time to reflect on how video fits into the world of B2B marketing and provide advice for B2B companies curious about video marketing.

In this post, you'll learn why B2B companies should use video marketing, and receive 6 ideas for the types of video that best suit the dynamic world of B2B marketing.


According to a recent Vidyard report on B2B videos...

  • 59% of B2B decision-makers prefer video to text content.
  • 94% of respondents ranked video as somewhat or very valuable in their current sales and marketing strategies.
  • 2 out of 3 sales and marketing leaders plan to increase their investment in video.



One video type that works well for all businesses – including B2B – is brand video. Rather than overtly selling your product/service, brand video is about spreading awareness and shaping people's perceptions of your brand. Use it to introduce your brand identity and the promise that your brand is making to potential consumers.


Check out the brand video we produced for Total Machining Solutions, a B2B brand that makes bespoke models and prototypes for a range of high-end clients. It takes viewers behind the scenes of their work and the people who do it, with a style that reflects the professionalism and quality of their brand.

For more about the benefits of brand video, read our brand video guide.


Want to share company news, updates and announcements with your (prospective and existing) clients and staff in an engaging way? Create short announcement videos. These can work for a range of occasions, including:

  • New hires
  • Changes to products or services
  • Upcoming events
  • Company Restructuring
  • New initiatives
  • New partnerships
  • Company milestones
  • Awards or competitions
  • Policy changes
  • Anniversaries



B2B marketers can use explainer videos to teach people about their product or service and its benefits. As well as educating potential clients on what you offer, educational content also helps with client retention.

Depending on your brand and product/service, this might take the format of an animated explainer that introduces viewers to your solution, or a video demonstration that teaches viewers step-by-step how to accomplish a specific task. Animated explainers work well for complex topics, while the demo style is an excellent fit for SaaS companies.

If there are multiple uses or tasks that your customers/clients can accomplish with your product, consider creating a series of short, easy-to-digest how-to videos. Another tip is to use a specific client or scenario to illustrate what you are explaining in an engaging and grounded way.


Testimonials and case study videos are a great way to provide social proof to potential clients of what you can offer. After all, people tend to trust what existing clients have to say about you more than what you have to say about you.

Testimonial videos usually focus on a client talking about their experiences with your company – including the problem they faced, the solution provided by your company, how they benefitted and any key results.

Case studies are more expansive, going beyond the client to tell the full story behind a specific project or use case.

For more information, be sure to read our 10 tips for creating compelling testimonial videos here.


Does your company run industry or brand events, online or in-person? Event videos can be used to tease or recap company events.

Event teasers can be posted to social media with the goal of increasing event awareness and driving sign-ups. On the other hand, event coverage videos can act as a highlight reel, recapping the key moments and takeaways delivered by the event. 

For an example, check out this video we produced for Bacardi about their Club De Cantineros event:



Webinars are an excellent way for B2B companies to showcase industry knowledge and expertise whilst also providing value to clients.

It's easy to set up and record video calls, conferences and webinars in a way that makes for high-quality footage with a professional feel. These recordings can then be turned into engaging video content that people can (re)watch after the webinar has taken place.

Either make it easily accessible – on your website or YouTube – or turn your recorded webinar into gated content. This means you can encourage people to sign up to your email list or fill in a lead generation form in order to gain access to the recording.

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