Covid-19: Staying on top of Social
Covid-19: Staying on top of Social
Apr 15, 2020

Covid-19: Staying on top of Social


During the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, we’re looking at some of the ways businesses can use online platforms to continue working remotely. There has been an unprecedented move to online work for many industries, and staying on top of this is essential. luckily, there are a few tools that any company or brand can use to keep business going. One such tool is social media.With that in mind, here are our social media tips during the global Coronavirus crisis.If it wasn’t already, social media is now the most essential tool for any business to capitalise on. As ever-changing lockdown measures become more intense, brands and businesses across the globe now have a growing market of potential customers. It’s unsurprising that we’ve already seen social media engagement jump by around 20% on platforms like Instagram (CampaignLive) - and this number is growing.We won’t go into the usual ins and outs of how social media works for businesses. The important thing to realise is that with more people on social platforms, there is more room to tap into the marketing and branding potential of social media. We’ve already written on the blog about the power of video content across social platforms - but now more than ever, the aim for all companies should be how to make their content shine.

That's all well and good, but for a lot of smaller brands or businesses, social media platforms can feel a little daunting. growing an audience and keeping them engaged can often be easier said than done. Luckily, most platforms have some great tools to help. Let’s take a look at some of those in a bit more detail.GOING LIVEPretty much all platforms nowadays have a live streaming functionality of sorts. Facebook and Instagram for example have the option to go live directly in their native camera features. Especially effective in cases where events may have been cancelled, they offer a direct way to interact with customers or viewers. We’ve seen loads of great examples of weekly live shows or Q&A’s from brands.LONG FORMWhile it’s true that shorter, clearer messaging can be more effective on social, that doesn’t mean you can’t get inventive with longer pieces of content. Platforms like IGTV and Facebook’s built in in video platform, make for great places to inform and engage audiences. Similarly to live features, we’ve seen some great weekly shows uploaded to different platforms natively. On platforms like Instagram, you can automatically post a trimmed version to your feed too. Which is a great way to keep content going on your feed, whilst offering longer content for those that might be interested.STORIESFacebook and Instagram stories continue to be one of the most popular ways of connecting with audiences on social. They offer a quick, easy way to broadcast to your followers from each platform’s built in camera tools. Typically these are great for on-the-fly, “homemade” videos, and with everyone working remotely at the moment, it’s easy to see how this sort of content is easier than ever to create. It’s a great way to keep viewers engaged and entertained or informed, without needing to worry about the professional feel you might save for main feed content.While it's important to considerhow you're communicating, it's also important to think about what type of content you're creating. Every brand is different, so there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to good social content. There are, however, certain elements that could help you maximise your content potential.


Being a video production company ourselves, this might sound like the obvious suggestion, but the facts don't lie. In 2020, people are twice as likely to share video as they are any other type of content (wyzowl). A video gives you more room to hook a viewer, but it also opens up tonnes of creative and playful opportunities. From arresting kinetic typography, to lifestyle or product reels; videos are the perfect medium to tell a story. But you could also use it to add some flourish to still images - try creating a slideshow with transitions, or adding movement in other ways.For more on the power of video, check out our video content blog.


In uncertain and temperamental times like these, audiences want to feel comfortable with brands online. Naturally businesses will continue to sell to customers, but audiences are increasingly aware of how they're being talked to. One great way of building trust is by embracing the native content creation features of social platforms. We talk a lot about professionally created content, made externally and then posted onto platforms often in bulk. But, there's also no harm in taking followers behind the scenes with stories, or giving quick updates on remote work life. The rough-around-the-edges feel of native shot video content is a brilliant way of connecting with users. A reminder that there are people and faces behind a brand, that you don't always get to see.


One of the essentials of a good social presence is having regular content. This can sometimes feel difficult, when new ideas just aren't showing up. One of the easiest ways of filling the gaps? recycling past content. Got a video you made for your website? give it a trim, reframe it to fit, and you've got a great bit of social content. Got a presentation you've used elsewhere? There no reason you couldn't turn that into short video content for your feed. You could also re-post something you've posted before. Obviously, you don't want a feed to feel too repetitive, but re-posting can be a great way of keeping eyes on past content. It's even a great chance to engage new followers that missed it the first time.


Everyone is being affected by the COVID-19 crisis across the world. It's easy to feel like it's all you should be talking about if you want to stay relevant. But the truth is, while it's absolutely fine to post about it, users also want content to take their mind off the often negative news. The best social feeds are the ones that strike a balance between talking about the crisis and maintaining the content that their audience would have wanted to see already. Without risking it feeling like there's a big elephant in the room whenever a user taps onto your feed, try not to forget what it is that makes your brand stand out in the first place.


Those are just a few tips on how to maximise your social media potential during the Coronavirus crisis. But the most important thing to remember above all is the need for consistency. The type of content that performs best will vary from brand to brand - but you're not keeping your followers updated regularly, then there's no reason for them to stick around. Know your brand, and post about it. The rest is all about experimenting, and there's never really been a better time to do so. Try out different approaches to your content, and see what works best for you. If you've got the ideas, but need help with creating and scheduling content, then why not check out our social media packages. We're experts in video production, and we'd love to chat about how we can help your business tap into the potential of social media.

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