Turning Video Calls into Shareable Content
Turning Video Calls into Shareable Content
Apr 15, 2020

Turning Video Calls into Shareable Content

During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we’re taking a look at various different tips for maintaining an online presence. While the world moves online, marketing your brand and staying above the noise has never been more essential. We’ve seen a lot of different approaches from various companies the world over, using different different platforms to communicate online. Today we look at how you can transform video calls into dynamic, shareable video content.

Platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, FaceTime or Skype are huge right now - and for good reason. They’ve made it easier than ever to connect with clients, customers or employees. But they can also be a great way to get relevant content out to your audience, through shareable video content.

Whether you’re discussing a relevant topic, interviewing someone in particular, or presenting b2b, there’s no reason why you can’t turn a video call into video content. These are perfect for use on social, websites, email marketing, or elsewhere on the web. It might not seem like it at first glance, but you’ll be surprised how stale video calls can transform Into dynamic conversations with the right creative approach.

Starting from a screen-recording, here are a few ways you can transform

any video call into an engaging, digestible and fully branded video.


There’s nothing particularly attention grabbing about most platforms’ default look during a conversation. Take Zoom for example. During a call, all speakers/listeners are squeezed to fit on screen. Seeing multiple feeds at once works great when you’re in the call, but when it comes to watching back, you’ll want to make sure whoever is talking has maximum screen space. Taking each speaker’s frame, filling the screen with it, and cutting between them during the conversation, is the simplest way of making your video call flow like in a more visually appealing manner. You can also get playful with ways of splitting the screen.


Another benefits of editing video calls is the ability to cut out any moments you’d rather not keep. Talking live through Zoom or Microsoft Teams will inevitably result in pauses or slip-ups, which can be tidied up in post. By cutting between different speaker’s video feeds, the conversation can be tightened and refined, making it flow better for an audience.


This one is essential if you plan to use edited video calls for wider marketing purposes. Platforms like Zoom have already got built in opportunities for personalising calls. The problem is they can often feel distracting. When editing a recording of a video call, you can quite literally brand it however you’d like. Taking into account aspects like font, brand colours, imagery and logo placement can very quickly breathe life into a flat video call.


After editing the call into a more watchable format, adding additional graphics where relevant can be a much needed cherry on top. Whilst it serves a practical purpose of helping to explain things to a viewer, it also adds a level of quality to the content. It’s not going to be possible to completely avoid the home-made feel of webcam content, but finding ways to bump the quality elsewhere can go a long way in engaging viewers. Discussing numbers and figures? Why not animate a graph over the footage. Talking through complex concepts? Bring it to life with clear icons and bullet points.


Naturally the conversation is going to be the main bulk of the content. But there’s not reason why you can’t pull in other pieces to break up the webcam-heavy feel. Let’s say, for example, you’re talking through a presentation. Editing in the relevant slides within the conversation is a great way to breathe life into it. You could even animate the slides in a more visually engaging way, and then integrate that into your video conference content. Don’t be afraid to bring in other elements!

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If you want to see an example of how all of these tips might look in practise, here’s a recent edit we created for a client.

Want to find out more about transforming your video conference calls into marketable content?

Luckily we're experts at this stuff. Click here to learn more about how we can help.

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