Repurpose Old Content Into Video
Repurpose Old Content Into Video
May 16, 2023

Repurpose Old Content Into Video

Creating new marketing content can be an intimidating, time-consuming and costly process.

On the Blueprint Film blog, we’ve already talked about how you can repurpose video into new content for your marketing efforts.

But you can also do the reverse. Yes, that’s right – you don’t need to create video content from scratch. Instead, turn existing marketing materials and assets into video – allowing you to reach a wider audience and strengthen your messaging whilst also making the most of what you have.

Continue reading to find out how you can best transform and repurpose existing content into engaging video content.

How to repurpose your content into videos:

1. Blog & article content

As of right now, many companies are producing articles and blog posts for their website (as well as third-party websites like Medium) as part of their content marketing strategy. Since a lot of effort and research typically goes into creating blog posts, why not make the most of it by repurposing them into videos?

Man browsing internet on laptop

A blog post is a great starting point for a video. For instance, you can base the script and the structure of your video around the main points of your blog post. And depending on just how much content you have, you can produce a series of videos from your blog content.

You can also embed the final video into the original blog post to give website readers the freedom to choose whether they want to consume the information via video or text.

Here are a few blog post/article types that translate well into video:

  • How-to’s / step-by-step / industry guides
  • Case studies
  • Q&As / Frequently Asked Questions
  • Listicles / countdowns
  • Software / product reviews
  • Analysis / opinion pieces

2. Presenttion sides

Whether you’re presenting to colleagues, clients/customers, board members, or at an event/conference/trade show, you want your presentation to be as engaging and memorable as possible. So why not utilise the power of video – either by embedding it into your slides, or by transforming the entire presentation into a video?

A presentation that we transformed into dynamic video content.

Some presentation programs like Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote allow you to save your presentation as a video. But you can take your old presentation content further than this. Bring the key points and visuals to life with animations, graphics, voice-overs and music to make the most of the video format.

3. Podcasts & audio-only content

Does your company currently (or plan to) produce a podcast? Podcasts are yet another content type that work great as a foundation for video content. In fact, many podcast-creators upload episodes as videos to YouTube to increase their reach.

Two women speaking into microphones and being filmed by an iPhone camera

Thus, you might want to consider producing a video version of your podcast alongside the audio-only version. One option is to simply film the host(s) and guest(s) as they record the episode. This allows followers of your podcast to feel closer to the speakers.

Another option is to create an animation based on the podcast discussion. Have animated  characters lip-sync the podcast dialogue and act out different concepts and scenarios brought up in the podcast.

If you produce lengthy podcast episodes, you can take clips from the episode audio and turn them into highlight videos for your podcast. This is a great way to advertise your podcast on social media.

4. Reports, white papers & docments

Does your company or organisation produce reports, white papers or documents as part of your marketing strategy? If you do, chances are, these materials include a lot of compelling information, statistics and messaging that won’t get through to members of your audience that don’t want to read long paragraphs of text.

A recruitment brochure before and after we transformed it into video content.

With this in mind, video is a great way to get important information from these documents to a wider audience. In fact, video can serve as either an alternative to reading a long PDF, or as a teaser to get people interested in the original material.

As an example, you can produce a video highlighting the key data and takeaways from your report. Then in the video end-screen or description, you can encourage people to download and read the original document to see the findings in full. This is perfect if you want to prompt people to fill out a lead generation form to access the original content.

5. Livestreams, video cals & webinar recordings

Throughout the pandemic, companies have made use of live-streaming and video-conferencing platforms like Zoom to connect with clients, customers and employees. But by turning recordings into video content, you can extend the life and value of these discussions.

Person talking to person over a video call

Here are a few ways you can repurpose your recordings into video:

  • Create a TLDW version to give people a short run-through of the main points.
  • Break your recorded content into smaller clips that people can watch in their own time.
  • Upload the full-length webinar/recording (albeit with any necessary tweaks).

For more information, read our guides on recording and editing video calls into engaging video content.

6. Customer reviews & testimaonials

Customer and client reviews and testimonials are powerful marketing assets. So it makes sense that your business should try to make the most out of any existing ones and share them across the internet. Fortunately, you can repurpose them into testimonial videos.

Woman speaking to camera for testimonial video

What is the best way to do this? First, ask the customer or client who submitted the review/testimonial if they would be willing to share their words on-camera. Once they agree, work out the best way to do this. You can either set up an in-person testimonial shoot with them, interview them over a video call, or ask them to film themselves talking about your company.

Another way to do this would be to get someone else to read out the review or testimonial. But it will feel most authentic and trustworthy coming from the actual person who wrote it. And however you choose to do it, it is crucial that you get permission from the client/customer to use it.

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