Making Successful Promo Videos
Making Successful Promo Videos

Making Successful Promo Videos

Everyone in the world of business has been getting involved with making promo videos. While many companies have exceptional success, others can have trouble making their videos effective. These are some things to keep in mind while planning and producing your next promo videos.

1.Decide on Your Goal

Before you make the video, you need to decide what you want to accomplish. Ask yourself why are you making a video? This could be anything from introducing a new product, to trying to drive customer engagement. This is what helps you plan your strategy to get the message across to the viewer.

2.Choose the Direction

The direction of the video is how you are trying to get the message across. This could be something from a how-to video to a demonstration of how a product works to comparing it to a competitors product. This will help you plan in advance the resources that will be required for the video eg. people, location or props. Maybe you won’t need any of those. You can also decide to do something different like animation, or user generated content, the choice is up to you.

3.Think of the Duration

It is important to at least have a general idea on length before you start to write a script. The direction of the video can help you to accomplish this. For example if you only want to show how a product works, 30 seconds to a minute should be plenty. If you want to tell a whole story to connect to the audience then 2 or more minutes is viable. This will help you to plan out the rest of the process with ease.

4.Write Your Script

Before filming make sure to plan out a script ahead of time. When writing your script, make sure to include every element of the video, this includes description of the scene eg. people, audio and visuals. Make sure to only include what is needed for the advertisement to be successful, this is because too much information can lead to people losing interest. You want this to focus on what the viewer should be taking from the video and be a concise as possible.


While most people may think the script is the last step before preparing to begin filming, storyboarding can be very important to making a promo effective. This gives the actors, director etc. something to go off of to ensure your vision is brought to life. All you need is simple images outlining what should be shown on the screen. This will also allow you to see how everything will go together and ensure it works. With the script and the storyboard together you will be able to film a video nearly identical to your vision.

6.Call to Action

This is arguably the most important aspect of a promo video. Without a call to action the viewer could sit through the entire video, enjoy it and nothing will come of it. A call to action gives the viewer something to do further than watch the promo. This could include checking out your website/social media or to signup for a service for free . By including this builds on the trust you worked to build and gives them a reason to continue.

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