8 Tips to Help You Succeed at LinkedIn Video Marketing
8 Tips to Help You Succeed at LinkedIn Video Marketing
Feb 1, 2022

8 Tips to Help You Succeed at LinkedIn Video Marketing

8 best tips for linkedin video marketing

8 Tips to Help You Succeed at LinkedIn Video Marketing

As of 2022, LinkedIn has 800 million members and over 58 million registered companies. And it is the most trusted social media platform among users. Considering this audience and reputation, you and your company can easily benefit from being active on LinkedIn.

As video is increasingly favoured by the platform and its users, video content is an effective way to strengthen your LinkedIn strategy. But with so much content to compete with on LinkedIn, how can you get a strong foothold?

In this post, learn why LinkedIn video marketing is worth your time, and receive 8 actionable tips for posting videos on LinkedIn in 2022.


  • Don't get left behind. 68% of video marketers plan to include LinkedIn in their 2022 video marketing strategy.
  • Videos are the most reshared form of content on LinkedIn.
  • Helps to maximise dwell time on your posts, which is beneficial for the LinkedIn algorithm.
  • Videos get 5x more engagement on LinkedIn than other post types.


1. Familiarise yourself with LinkedIn's native video requirements

As is often the case with social media platforms, LinkedIn favours videos that are uploaded natively to their platform, as opposed to sharing a YouTube link. This means uploading video files directly to LinkedIn via their website or app. To do this, you need to be aware of LinkedIn's video requirements.

LinkedIn native video specs:

  • Length: 3 seconds to 10 minutes
  • File size: 75KB to 5GB
  • Aspect ratio: 1:2.4 - 2.4:1 (square videos perform best)
  • Resolution: 256x144 to 4096x2304
  • Frame rate: 10 – 60 frames per second

2. Aim for high-quality video content

Now that the technical stuff is out of the way, let's discuss content. The expectations for content on LinkedIn is different from that of other social media platforms. In other words, a video that becomes popular on Instagram will not necessarily achieve the same success if reposted on LinkedIn.

Why is LinkedIn different? Because it is primarily a network for professionals. As a result, users are looking for more formal, high-quality,  informative and advice-based content. So make sure your video posts on LinkedIn match this expectation.

Here are some tested video content ideas that work well on LinkedIn:

  • Company news and updates
  • Product/service launches
  • Educational content (explainers)
  • Case studies and testimonials
  • Company/expert interviews
  • Thought leadership pieces
  • Brand stories

3. optimise videos for mobile viewing

man holding iPhone

60% of all LinkedIn traffic comes from mobile devices. So if you want to perform better on LinkedIn, optimise your video content for mobile. How can you best do this? Before you post a video, test to see whether it still looks good when viewed on a mobile device. This includes making sure any text used in the video is readable on a small screen.


The best video format for mobile watching is square (1:1). In fact, this video format is best suited to LinkedIn’s overall algorithm. But only 20% of videos on LinkedIn use this preferred format. 


Also, many people watch videos on mute from mobile devices. So if your video includes any dialogue or voice-over, don't neglect to add captions.

4. make the first few seconds count

As with other social media platforms, people on LinkedIn have a lot of information to scroll through. So how do you get your audience to stop and watch the whole of your video?

LinkedIn itself has acknowledged that the first few seconds of a video are the most important. "Show what you want your audience to see in the first 10 seconds of the video. Viewer attention drops after that point.”

Users do not have the time to wait for you to get to the good part. Therefore, when planning your video content, be sure to front-load information. Or start with a bold hook that inspires curiosity and teases what the rest of the video will be about.

5. Add a custom video thumbnail (& title)

When you first upload a video for posting, LinkedIn gives you the option to upload a JPG or PNG image as a thumbnail. Otherwise, it will use the first frame of your video as the thumbnail.

Depending on the video being posted, the first frame likely will not be the best for showing viewers what it is about. So to make users more likely to watch your video, create a custom thumbnail. Your thumbnail must match the video's aspect ratio and resolution, and have a file size no larger than 2MB.

Learn more about creating custom thumbnails in our guide.

On company pages, you can also add a title to your video. Aim for a title that is both descriptive and engaging. (Currently, the option to add a title is not available for videos posted from personal profiles).

6. LinkedIn video post copy

For each video that you post on LinkedIn, be sure to add some accompanying text to it. According to this report, LinkedIn's algorithm favours posts with at least 3 lines of text.

Here are some things to include in your post:

  • Incentivise people to watch your video
  • Provide context for your video (if relevant)
  • Add a CTA of what to do after watching the video
  • Include 3-5 hashtags
  • Tag any relevant individuals/companies
  • Link to relevant webpages
Adding copy to a video post on LinkedIn

7. Feature videos on your LinkedIn profile and company page

Highlight video content on your LinkedIn profile using your profile's 'Featured' section. If your profile does not already have a Featured section, the process is simple. Go to your profile and press the 'Add profile section' button in your introduction section. Next, open the 'Recommended' dropdown, and select 'Add Featured'.

There are two ways to add videos to Featured. One is to add an existing post with a video. The other is to upload a video file. Currently, LinkedIn allows you to include as much content as you want in the featured section. You can also reorder, add and delete featured content at any time.

The process is slightly different for featuring a video on your company page. First, go to your company page and scroll down until you find the video post. Then click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post and select 'pin to top'. Now your video post will be the first post people see when they view your page.

Unfortunately, you can only have one pinned post on your company page at any time. So make sure the pinned video is recent and puts your company in the best light.

8. measure your video's performance

The best way to improve your chances for success with LinkedIn video content is to continually monitor your videos' performances. This allows you to work out how your audience is engaging, what is working, and what needs improvement. Keep in mind that the metrics available to you will differ slightly depending on whether you posted your video to a personal profile or to a company page.

For each video post from your profile, there will be text underneath showing how many views your video has. Click on this to open up 'Video Analytics'. This provides you information on video engagement, performance and audience.

Video metrics/stats available for profile posts:

  • Reactions
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Minutes watched
  • Video views
  • Number of viewers
  • Titles of viewers
  • Locations of viewers

Under each company video post there will be a total views counter and a 'show stats' dropdown option. Select this dropdown to see both sponsored and organic video stats.

Video metrics/stats available for company posts:

  • Video views
  • Impressions
  • Click-Through-Rate
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Clicks
  • Engagement rate
  • Follows (sponsored only)

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