8 Fast Ways To Boost Your LinkedIn Performance
8 Fast Ways To Boost Your LinkedIn Performance
Apr 6, 2021

8 Fast Ways To Boost Your LinkedIn Performance

8 Fast Ways To Boost Performance on LinkedIn

Over 55 million companies are on LinkedIn. But many are failing to get the most out of the platform. As a result of the pandemic, LinkedIn is reaching 'record levels of engagement.' How can you tap into that, and get a leg up over your competition? Our team has years of experience getting to grips with LinkedIn, using it for our content marketing and that of our clients. We're using this experience to share 8 quick tips to help you improve your LinkedIn performance.

1. match your approach to linkedin's personality

Maybe you're wondering, why do I need advice on LinkedIn? Surely it works the same as any other social media platform? Well, yes and no. Like other social media platforms, content is king on LinkedIn. And you'd be remiss not to share your best content across all social media channels.

But each social media platform has its own personality. Audience expectations and behaviour are a little different on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is primarily a network for professionals. As a result, the majority of the content is more formal and advice-based than what you'll find on Facebook or Twitter.

2. ORGANISE your LinkedIn company page

Image of LinkedIn banner and profile image for Blueprint Film

According to LinkedIn's own data, pages with complete information get 30% more weekly views. So before you get to your posting strategy, you need to polish your page. This includes uploading a high-quality profile image and banner and filling out your organisation info. Even if you've already filled everything in, it's probably worth updating. Don't make the mistake of leaving outdated information in your profile. Also, make the most of the 'Overview' section. It should be concise, compelling, use relevant keywords and be in your brand voice.

3. Share your company page

What's the point of having a great company page if no one knows about it? An easy way to grow your page audience is to invite your LinkedIn connections to follow your company page.

Then think of all the places you'd find a company's social accounts. Include a LinkedIn social button linking to the company page on your website and any landing page. Post on your other social media sites encouraging your audience to check out your LinkedIn page. We also include a link to our page in the footer of our monthly newsletter.

Image showing how to invite connections to follow your LinkedIn Page
Source: LinkedIn

4. Create and share industry-relevant content

Setting up your page is one thing. Posting content that keeps people coming back to your page is also crucial to boosting your LinkedIn performance. The best way to do this is to consistently post content that is relevant and provides valuable advice to your audience.

On our LinkedIn page, we share articles created by us about marketing and video production. Of course, you might not have time to write detailed articles. You can also share industry-relevant articles from other authors. For help with this, use the LinkedIn Content Suggestion tool.

Desk set up with two monitors

5. Humanise your company

Just because LinkedIn is more professional than other social media sites, doesn't mean you have to sound robotic. Make an effort to humanise your brand. An easy way to do this is to feature employees. Whenever a new member joins the Blueprint Film team, we create an introductory post and tag them in it. You can make similar posts for employee birthdays, spotlights, anniversaries, etc.


Image showing how to notify employees of a page update on LinkedIn
Source: LinkedIn

Hashtags are a great way to increase brand awareness and get your posts in front of the right audiences. But don't go overboard - stick to just three hashtags per post.

If you're more focused on increasing engagement, consider post type. Did you know videos get 5x more engagement on LinkedIn than other post types? Polls are also great for getting people to interact with you. And don't forget to include clear CTAs (Calls To Action) at the end of every post.

Bonus tip: Encourage employees to interact with and share company page posts by notifying them of updates. (See: Image to Left)


How do you keep people connected to your profile? Ask your audience to share their opinions and insights with you in the comments or through polls. Make sure you're also engaging back by staying on top of mentions, shares and comments. If someone has gone to the trouble of commenting on your post, it's good etiquette to respond with a like or a reply. Alternatively, you can address and show appreciation to specific clients/followers directly by tagging them in your posts. Actions like these show you care about your audience.


From the admin view of your company page, click on the Analytics tab. This allows you to monitor views, followers and how your posts are performing over time. That way, you can see which content works best for your audience and whether your overall LinkedIn strategy is coming together. If you start underperforming, it might be time to change your approach and try out new content. You should also adapt your approach to shifting trends and changes to the LinkedIn platform.

Graph showing visitor metrics on LinkedIn
Source: LinkedIn

We hope you learnt something new from our advice on boosting your LinkedIn performance. While you're here, we'd love to connect with you on LinkedIn!

If you want to grow your LinkedIn presence, but need help with creating and sharing content, then why not check out our social media services?


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